/* Main Variables */ :root { --main-dark: black; --main-light: white; } /* Global Styles */ ::selection { background: var(--main-dark); color: var(--main-light); text-shadow: none; } img::selection, svg::selection { background: transparent; } /* Link color inherits from parent font color */ a { color: inherit; } /* Disable / enable clicking on an element and its children */ .no-click { pointer-events: none; } .can-click { pointer-events: auto; } /* Target any element with a certain "word" in the class name */ [class*="spacer"] { }

Join the Team

Ready for an exciting and rewarding career?
Find the perfect fit at Old Bridge Minerals.

See OPEN Positions

At Old Bridge Minerals, You Have A Valued Voice

As a family run business, we take pride in our employees and know each one by name.  We deeply appreciate all of our employees and strive to cultivate and nurture a sense of belonging. Every one of our 150+ employees has a voice that is respected and heard.

We embody our values


Live your best life

We provide competitive benefits so you can plan for your life outside of work.

Medical, Dental and
Vision Insurance
Life insurance policy
401k plan matching
Competitive pay
/* Main Variables */ :root { --main-dark: black; --main-light: white; } /* Global Styles */ ::selection { background: var(--main-dark); color: var(--main-light); text-shadow: none; } img::selection, svg::selection { background: transparent; } /* Link color inherits from parent font color */ a { color: inherit; } /* Disable / enable clicking on an element and its children */ .no-click { pointer-events: none; } .can-click { pointer-events: auto; } /* Target any element with a certain "word" in the class name */ [class*="spacer"] { }

The obc Culture

We believe in celebrating

10 year club

Every year, we welcome all workers who have worked with us for more than 10 years, as well as all new inductees, to a 10 year honorary dinner to congratulate them on their achievements.
Our new inductees receive a gift as a gesture of our gratitude for their loyalty, work and continued support.  33% of our current employees have been with us for 10+ years.

Company Picnic

As a family-run business, we take pride in holding an annual corporate picnic every summer. To celebrate another year of the Old Bridge Chemical’s family, each employee is welcome to attend with their families for a day of  fun, food, carnival rides, soccer games & prizes.

join us

We’re looking for motivated individuals to help us shape the future of copper and zinc manufacturing.
